Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I hate these kinds of people

I'm sorry for partially being mean on my side in this post,


you're an idiot if you think you're better than others for having items.

And a showoff if you plain announce it in a public place in front of others.

 And I can infer that you are also one of those "OMG RARE GIMME GIMME" people.

That's just sad.


  1. Yeah, I hate those kind of people too. I understand if someone plays AJ because of collecting rares, but it's not okay if you think that you're better then someone because of it. I can't understand that someone is compering Jammers on this way!
    -Mimi ^-^

    1. Yeah. Rares are understandable, but some people go psycho over them and compare themselves to others just by how "rare" their items are.

  2. Well... Then that otter is a better and bigger brat than others.

    Tsk, tsk. Some... creatures. :T
